Citizen Science Data Collection

WatchSpotter CS

Data Management, Mapping,
Volunteer Communications and Collaboration.

The WatchSpotter CS web interface manages community contributions and provides advanced Citizen Science project functionalities.

WatchSpotter CS

For Citizen Science Programs around the world

Citizen Science

Citizen Science has emerged as a popular, rapid, and cost-effective approach for gathering targeted data sets for research purposes. As funding for environmental science becomes increasingly scarce, having more people in the field with an eye on ecological developments is essential. Whether your research is focused on marine science, environmental science, ecology, or statistics, WatchSpotter can help you achieve your goals by providing the required spatial, temporal, photographic, acoustic, environmental, or other metadata, all while saving you time and money.

Why WatchSpotter CS?

The WatchSpotter CS provides a highly adaptable and cost-effective solution for Citizen Science initiatives. The platform can be customized according to your project’s requirements by creating a set of questions for your citizen “Spotters” to answer. The data submitted by the Spotters is automatically displayed on your dashboard and marked on your map for easy review. Additionally, our mapping system, which includes data, photographs, and marked locations, can be integrated into your project’s website, enabling the public to view it.

Citizen Spotters can easily upload photos and provide feedback about their observations through our project-specific mobile app. You can access the data in real-time, allowing you to view it as soon as it is submitted.
Ideal for Citizen Science Projects Anywhere

WatchSpotter CS

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